who we are:

At Good Dudes Put Out, we're first and foremost firefighters. We're a diverse group, including Engine Guys, Truckees, EMTs, Paramedics, CrossFit enthusiasts, and Marathon runners—united by our passion for firefighting and fitness.

Our journey with GDPO began with a shared belief in the critical importance of fitness within the fire service. We firmly believe that our level of fitness reflects our commitment to the job. We encourage starting your journey towards peak fitness before even entering fire school. It's about cultivating a lifelong habit of physical fitness, something you never let go of.

We named our initiative 'Good Dudes Put Out' because we've seen that the best firefighters often make the best friends. Those who give their all in training, at the firehouse, and on the fireground tend to be the same individuals who stand by you in your personal tough times. In our world, there are two types of firefighters: nice guys and Good Dudes. We strive to be the latter.

Don’t Be A Nice Guy, Be A Good Dude.

Disclaimer: Not Affiliated with any Fire Department

GOOD DUDES PUT OUT LLP is not affiliated with any fire department. Our services, products, and activities are independent of any fire department. Any use of a fire department's name in our materials is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply any association or endorsement.