How To Pass The CPAT

Firefighter in Full gear near Fire Trucks

What is the CPAT?

The CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test) is a critical step on your journey to becoming a firefighter. Developed by the IAFF (International Association of Firefighters), it helps fire departments identify individuals with the physical capabilities needed for firefighter training. For a detailed CPAT manual, visit: IAFF CPAT Manual.

Helpful Links:

GDPO Ultimate: Our flagship program designed to build elite firefighters.

CPAT Prep: Get CPAT-ready with our targeted prep program.

Free Fitness Assessment: Assess your readiness for the demands of the job.

Understanding the CPAT:

In simple terms, the CPAT is a nationwide mandatory physical fitness test for aspiring firefighters. The level of difficulty varies depending on your current fitness level.

firefighter with hose line putting water on fire

what do i need for the cpat:

What to Wear Not Provided:

  • Long Pants

  • Shirt

  • Appropriate Closed-Toed Shoes


  • Hard Hat

  • Gloves

  • 50-Pound Vest

  • 2x 12.5lbs Shoulder Weights (Stair-Climb Only)

What are the cpat events:

  1. Stair Climb (Hard)

  2. Hose Drag (Easy)

  3. Equipment Carry (Moderate)

  4. Ladder Raise and Extension (Moderate)

  5. Forcible Entry (Moderate)

  6. Search (Easy)

  7. Rescue (Hard)

  8. Ceiling Breach and Pull (Moderate)

man grabbing dumbells

how do i train for the cpat:

Stair Climb:

  • Lunges and running are effective preparations. Start with 1-minute runs followed by 1-minute lunges, progressing until you can handle 4-5 minutes of running followed by 1-2 minutes of lunges.

Hose Drag:

  • If you're prepared for other events, this one may not need specific training.

Equipment Carry:

  • Carry a 30lb dumbbell in each hand and walk 100ft, starting with lighter weights and increasing as needed.

Ladder Raise and Extension:

  • With a 20 lb dumbbell in each hand do one round of the following:

    • 10 Romanian Deadlifts from Shin

    • 10 Bent Over Rows

    • 10 Horizontal Bench Press

    • 5  Strict Overhead Press

Forcible Entry:

  • Practice horizontal sledgehammer swings into a tire or do Russian Twists with a 10-20 pounds dumbbell.


  • Stay calm and move methodically through the obstacles. This is not a physical event.


  • Strengthen your arms and back with exercises like sandbag carries, Romanian Deadlifts, heavy sled pulls, and lunges.

Ceiling Breach and Pull:

  • Train with 20 pound dumbbells for squats and strict presses for the breach section. Use a lat-pulldown machine or perform pull-ups for the pull section.

In Conclusion:

The CPAT is your first physical test as a firefighter. If you need assistance with your training, reach out to us at Good Dudes Put Out Coaching. We offer a range of programs to support you, whether the CPAT was a breeze or you faced challenges during your first attempt. Explore our programs at Good Dudes Put Out Programs.


How To Become A Firefighter